Top 10 Mens Cologne
Why do companies offer coupon codes?

"I went to the supermarket the other day to buy myself some chicken and when I hit the counter I realized I have some coupons for that store and I'm getting $2 off my chicken. Thing is, that I would be buying there regardless of their coupons – so my questions is, what's the point behind coupons?"

- Coupons are usually provided in order to attract new customers. It's easier for the site to entice you by supplying something which seems unique to you. It requires your action to actually cut these coupons off the morning paper, print them or memorize the number or literal code. Instead of claiming 10% for all costumers, it's easier to provide a user of a website or just a random paper-reading costumer and provide him with a feeling that he has an added value coming to the store now. It has proven much more efficient than have another black on white advert claiming for superb seasonal deal or discount. So go and check the availability of a coupon for your desired item. Go and buy perfumes online.

The superb fragrance buying store fragranceX is doing exactly that.

Coupons also help regain trust of consistent costumers. If provided to the "club members" – it shows a sign of continuation of trust between the two parties. The store/ site sends out a bonus for its loyal customers, and that helps them regain trust in that brand and come back for more shopping.

The online hosting brand GoDaddy does exactly that.

Coupon codes also help store direct users towards less-selling product. Usually top products don't have any discount on them, but weaker products always have coupon codes. That way stores get rid of excessive inventory.

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